About Us

We’re passionate about helping pets and their owners, especially those pets who have been impacted by an injury or condition that is keeping them from living an active, healthy life.

Pet Ortho Braces was inspired by Mark Robinson, following an extensive career leading Handicapped Pets and Walkin’ Pets, where his services helped the lives of more than 1 million animals across the world. David and Diana Vowels launched the ortho division as Pet Ortho Braces in Scottsdale Arizona in 2022. 

David Vowels, CPO, serves as President and leads clinical operations for Pet Ortho Braces.  David, an ABC Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist, has 20+ years experience evaluating, designing and fitting prosthetics and orthotics.  He provides on-site and video consultations with pet owners and veterinarians to ensure they develop the best treatment plan for the pet.

Once a treatment plan is established, David oversees the custom fabrication, fitting and follow up to ensure optimal outcomes.


Pet Ortho Braces provides custom bracing and prosthetics for dogs and other animals to get them back to a healthy active lifestyle. 

David Vowels Shaking Hands with Dog Wearing Carpal Brace.

Meet Our Team

David Vowels

David Vowels, CPO

David Vowels, CPO, serves as President and leads clinical operations for Pet Ortho Braces. David, an ABC Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist, has 20+ years of experience evaluating, designing and fitting prosthetics and orthotics. He provides on-site and video consultations with pet owners and veterinarians to ensure they develop the best treatment plan for the pet.

Once a treatment plan is established, David oversees the custom fabrication, fitting and follow up to ensure optimal outcomes.

Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson serves as advisor to Pet Ortho Braces.  Mark collaborated with the Vowels to launch Pet Ortho Braces in 2022, following Mark’s extensive career leading Handicapped Pets and Walkin’ Pets, where his services helped the lives of more than 1 million animals across the world.

Mark is passionate about helping pets and their owners, especially those pets who have been impacted by an injury or condition that is keeping them from living an active, healthy life.


Diana Vowels

Diana Vowels

Diana Vowels serves as Chief Operating Officer, providing strategic planning and operational guidance.

She brings experience leading strategy,  operations, sales and marketing in healthcare (prosthetics and orthotics), real estate, tech and media. She’s a community leader with a passion for serving and empowering others. 


Mark Aggen

Mark Aggen, Technician

Mark Aggen serves as an orthotic and prosthetic technician. His work includes design, fabrication, laminations and adjustments to custom braces.

Mark has 10+ years experience in the orthotic and prosthetic field.

Liz Anderson

Liz Anderson, Marketing

Liz Anderson is studying biomechanical engineering and pursuing her passion for pets as an intern at Pet Ortho Braces.

She assists in fabrication and captures the stories of our pet clients for social media.

Veterinarian treating Corgi dog.

Our Veterinary Partners

We work closely with veterinarians, surgeons and technicians across the Phoenix market.

We often see pet owners looking referrals for veterinary services, particularly practices specializing in rehabilitation and orthopedic care.  If your practice wants to join our network, please contact us.

Arnold was born with deformed paws so he could barely walk.  His braces helped him so much as he grew.  He’s now such a happy dog, loves the outdoors and hiking the mountains nearby.”

Lexi, Phoenix

Arnold’s Pet Parent

Contact Pet Ortho Braces

Flexible appointments at our Scottsdale location.

Call 602-456-2511